Vicki Schaub, ARNP

Internal medicine

Optum – Madison Center


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Board Name

American Association of Nurse Practitioners


I believe medicine involves more than just the office visit. Patients have other interests or challenges in their lives that can affect their health. It’s important to me to get to know my patients, answer questions and discuss the many choices for their care. I practiced as an RN for 28 years. I became a nurse practitioner to have closer relationships with my patients by caring for them as a primary care provider. My clinical interests include helping patients manage diabetes, heart disease and substance use disorders. My approach to patient care is based on a holistic philosophy. This means looking at the whole person: their physical health as well as their mental, emotional, social and spiritual health. I look forward to helping patients live their healthiest lives.

Care Designed Around You

We personalize care around your unique health goals, lifestyle and medical conditions. Your doctor works with the latest data, science and technology to help you get the care and treatments you need to prevent illness. Your doctor and care team will help you get better care because keeping you healthy is our greatest reward.

Our Location

Optum – Madison Center

904 7th Avenue, Seattle WA 98104
Get directions to Vicki Schaub, ARNP at 904 7th Avenue Seattle, WA