Stephen T Carter, MD

Family medicine

Optum – Ballard


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Please call 844-518-9725, TTY 771 for any questions around finding a doctor or enrolling in a plan that works for you
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Swedish Medical Center First Hill

Board Name

American Board of Family Medicine


Dr. Carter's clinical interests include urgent care, musculoskeletal injuries, and sports medicine. I chose to specialize in Family Medicine because I wanted to become a doctor who could be helpful in a diverse range of settings and have the knowledge and skills needed to treat a broad spectrum of people. My approach to care is personalized, integrated, evidence-based, and collaborative. What is most rewarding to me is when I can use my skills, expertise, and knowledge of the patient to help them through pivotal life and health transitions.

Care Designed Around You

We personalize care around your unique health goals, lifestyle and medical conditions. Your doctor works with the latest data, science and technology to help you get the care and treatments you need to prevent illness. Your doctor and care team will help you get better care because keeping you healthy is our greatest reward.

Our Location

Optum – Ballard

1448 NW Market Street, Seattle WA 98107
Get directions to Stephen T Carter, MD at 1448 NW Market Street Seattle, WA