Darell Kumar, DO

Internal medicine

Optum – Madison Center


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Clinic Phone

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Please call 844-518-9725, TTY 771 for any questions around finding a doctor or enrolling in a plan that works for you
shield_iconAccepts most Medicare plans

Medical School

West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine


Trios Health

Board Name

American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine


As an internal medicine physician I provide care to adults ages 18+ with a focus on preventive medicine and managing common conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I was inspired to go into medicine by my twin brother who was diagnosed with chronic ulcerative colitis. His colitis became so severe he had to undergo a total colectomy along with J-pouch reconstructive surgery. I provide compassionate, holistic, patient-centered and evidence-based care for all my patients.

Care Designed Around You

We personalize care around your unique health goals, lifestyle and medical conditions. Your doctor works with the latest data, science and technology to help you get the care and treatments you need to prevent illness. Your doctor and care team will help you get better care because keeping you healthy is our greatest reward.

Our Location

Optum – Madison Center

904 7th Avenue, Seattle WA 98104
Get directions to Darell Kumar, DO at 904 7th Avenue Seattle, WA